Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Good Week and Some Crazy Dreams

I have been feeling really good lately.  I am so thankful.  After having a few rough days last week, this week is much more of a normal  week.  I am thankful to have enough energy to get things done throughout the day and to have time to spend with my family.  They are my treasures.  My neighbors and friends have been so helpful with carpool and spoiling us with delicious meals.  There is no way to properly express my deepest gratitude for their service to our family.  They are making this heavy load so much lighter.  Thank you!

On a side note, I have been having crazy dreams the past few nights about various ways I am going to lose my hair.  I guess I am thinking about it more than I realized.  Any day now...  should be interesting. 

"And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom;  that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.   Mosiah 2:17 Book of Mormon

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